Miles Gibson
Consultant and Principal
Milestone Software
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Phone: (780) 438-8088, cell (780) 990-8808
IM:   Skype: miles_gibson

MVP since April 26, 2005

Service Area

Miles is happy to travel to a client site anywhere in the world.

Service Offerings

Milestone Software has been delivering the right solutions to customers for more than twenty years. We have a wide range of industry experience designing and developing web applications using Iron Speed Designer and Visual Studio.

Application Development
Milestone Software has developed more than fifty commercial web application projects for customers around the world. We have a team of experienced Iron Speed Designer developers available to assist you. Contact me for more information on how to get your projects started today.

Business Analysis/Requirements Analysis

Conceptual and Logical Database Modeling

Web Application Development, small, medium, or large

Project Completion Services (you start it, we’ll finish it)

Coaching and Mentoring

One on One: Coaching and Mentoring

Online Iron Speed Training (we use GotoMeeting)

Classroom Training: your site or ours

Remote Support

Online assistance using Gotomeeting

Client Collaboration

IIS/Windows Server support and troubleshooting


Intermediate Iron Speed Designer
This course takes application generation to the next level! Explore beginning and intermediate topics in this four hour, online course taught by Iron Speed MVPs. (Customers only)


Articles... (See Code Repository forum.)
Case studies...


Miles Gibson, MsIS, is a Senior Consultant and Principal with Milestone Software. Miles has been leading software development teams for more than 15 years, and has been professionally employed in the Information Systems industry for over 30 years. Miles has been an Iron Speed MVP since 2005 and a loyal Iron Speed user since 2004.

Miles has great people skills, and is a leading member of Toastmasters International. He was active with Rotary International for many years, and volunteers with several local charity groups.


We had a project that our initial analysis with the customer ended up not matching what they wanted. As the project progressed the client changed their mind and asked for extras and modifications to what they saw, which is normal, but by the final stretch the customer asked for several changes they saw as small and insignificant but that was completely NOT the case. The application's features were so thought out and designed in such a way that these last minute changes just didn't seem feasible without overhauling and completely redoing the ENTIRE project. Their ownership didn't understand that his right-hand people on the project had missed several things he saw as indispensible. As you can imagine this was very troubling, maybe even awkward. What were we going to do?!?

A few phone calls later and in steps Miles Gibson (Iron Speed MVP). What a lifesaver. Even if you don't have this type of "mentor saves the day" project I would recommend any ISD user at my level or below call Miles and bring his expertise into any and all projects. Literally, the 6 month project was completed within weeks after finding Milestone Software. Miles used an EXTREMELY analytic approach to MY clients needs. He then dissected my app and not only found ways to factor in and develop my clients seemingly impossible requirements but also found ways to improve what I already had. Thanks to his ability to really be able to immerse himself in many lines of code, and gather requirements then execute them, my client was more than happy and plans to grow with us and continue to use us further to continually upgrade/update their app.

That project ended up being one of my company's best achievements of 2009! Thanks Miles.

~ Michael Need, CEO of Internet Brilliance

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